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The unbiased news that you trust

Image by Austin Distel

About us:

CInfo began in 2017 as ANews, a "fictional" news station with a "fan-made" YouTube introductory video, among other things. We changed our name to CInfo Malaysia in late 2021, concentrating on national, local, regional, and global news. Our purpose is not to "destroy" the present mainstream press, but to provide you with a genuine alternative made possible by youth. Our reporters will always provide you with unbiased news and unedited perspectives, regardless of your policy or geography.


  • 26 Mei 2021: CInfo mulakan perjalannya sebagai pihak berita yang tidak berat sebelah, setelah mengambil inspirasi daripada pihak berita yang tidak berat sebelah di Australia, dengan news update pertamanya. 26 May 2021: CInfo begins its journey as an unbiased news agency, after taking inspiration from the unbiased news agency in Australia, with its first news update.

  • 7 Jun 2021: CInfo membuat penstriman langsung pertamanya di Facebook, dengan sidang media Kementerian Pendidikan. June 7, 2021: CInfo made its first live stream on Facebook, with a press conference from the Ministry of Education.

  • 7 Mei 2021: YouTube CInfo telah dicipta. May 7, 2021: CInfo YouTube was created.

  • 22 Mei 2021: CInfo menerima penonton yang tertinggi pertama pada waktu itu, apabila membuat siaran langsung sidang media diantara MKN & KKM, dengan mencecah 5 ribu tontonan di Facebook. May 22, 2021: CInfo received the first highest audience at that time, when doing a live press conference between MKN & MOH, reaching 5 thousand views on Facebook.

  • 15 Okt 2021: CPrime disiarkan buat pertama kalinya, dalam bentuk audio. Oct 15, 2021: CPrime airs for the first time, in audio form.

  • 11 Dis 2021: CPrime dirasmikan dalam bentuk video. Dec 11, 2021: CPrime is launched in video form.

  • 8 Julai 2022: Detik Siang dirasmikan. July 8, 2022: Detik Siang inaugurated.

  • 1 Mei 2022: Pengumuman Pengisytiharan Hari Raya Puasa 2022, telah membuahkan hasil tontonan tertinggi CInfo, yang mencecah sebanyak 40 ribu tontonan. May 1, 2022: The announcement of the Proclamation of Hari Raya Puasa 2022, has resulted in the highest CInfo views, reaching 40 thousand views.


1. Adakah wartawan CInfo dan pihak CInfonya sendiri mematuhi peraturan sekolah wartawannya?
Are CInfo journalists and CInfo themselves complying with the rules of the school of the journalists?

Walaupun kebanyakan wartawan kami ialah remaja dan masih bersekolah, kami boleh pastikan bahawa pihak CInfo dan wartawannya, sentiasa mematuhi peraturan sekolah wartawannya. Ini kerana:


  • CInfo adalah pihak berita tidak berat sebelah. (tidak menyokong atau mempunyai hubungan antara parti-parti atau ahli politik sendiri)

  • Kami sentiasa berpegang pada fakta dan kesahihan.

  • Kami melaporkan dari semua aspek pandangan politik. (Tidak berpegang kepada satu sisi pandangan politik sahaja)

  • Kita hanya membenarkan mereka yang berumur 13 tahun ke atas untuk menyertai pasukan kami.


Terdapat banyak saluran berita tidak berat sebelah oleh wartawan muda, seperti di Australia, yang tidak mempunyai masalah dan tidak melanggar peraturan sekolah mereka. Bagi yang mempunyai aduan berkaitan salah laku "tidak berat sebelah", boleh diajukan ke DM atau emel kami.


Even though most of our reporters are teenagers and still in school, we can make sure that CInfo and its reporters, always follow the rules of the school of its reporters. This is because:


  • CInfo is an unbiased news agency. (Does not support or have relationships between parties or politicians themselves)

  • We always stick to facts and authenticity.

  • We report all aspects of political views. (Do not stick to one side of the political view only)

  • We only allow those 13 years of age and older to join our team.


There are many unbiased news sources by young journalists, like in Australia, who have no problems and do not break their school rules. For those who have complaints related to "unbiased" misconduct, can be submitted to our DM or email.

2. Mengapakah CInfo tidak mempunyai permit media, dan hanya beroperasi dalam skala sederhana?
Why does CInfo does not have a media permit, and only operates on a modest scale?

Walaupun kami di CInfo mahu maju dengan ketara, keupayaan kami untuk melaporkan dan kewartawanan adalah terhad. Di Malaysia, kita memerlukan pas media dan permit media daripada kerajaan untuk membuat liputan acara berita utama secara meluas, termasuk akses untuk membuat liputan sendiri sidang akhbar (tanpa perlu "direlaykan" atau mendapatkan kebenaran daripada sumber lain), dan sebagainya.


Kami ingin memohonnya bertahun-tahun yang lalu, tetapi ia tidak dibenarkan. Berada di bawah umur 18 tahun adalah salah satu sebabnya, begitu juga yang lain. Jika anda terus mempercayai kami sebagai sumber berita anda yang tidak berat sebelah, kami boleh terus maju ke arah yang ingin kami tuju.


Kami juga merayu kepada kerajaan untuk memberikan kami kelulusan khas atau melonggarkan syarat permohonan supaya kami boleh bergerak ke hadapan. Semoga kita berjaya memperolehnya agar kita dapat meneruskan kemajuan kita.


Although we at CInfo want to advance significantly, our capacity for reporting and journalism is constrained. In Malaysia, we need a media pass and a media permit from the government in order to cover major news events extensively, including access to cover press conferences on our own (without needing to be "relayed" or obtain permission from other sources), among other things.

We wanted to apply for it years ago, but it was not permitted. Being under the age of 18 is one of the reasons, as well as others. If you continue to trust us as your unbiased news source, we can keep progressing in the direction we want to go.

We are also pleading with the government to grant us special approval or to relax the application requirements so that we may move forward. May we be successful in obtaining it so that we can carry on with our progress.

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