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Bantu kami. Help us.

CInfo, an independent and impartial news agency, run by young journalists, is likely to collapse without your quality support.


CInfo, sebuah pihak berita bebas dan tidak berat sebelah, dikendalikan oleh wartawan muda, berkemungkinan akan runtuh tanpa sokongan mutu anda.

"Actually, we'd prefer not to nag or coerce anyone into helping, but if you're willing to do so, that's great."

"Kami sebenarnya tidak mahu merayu atau memaksa semua orang untuk membantu kami, tetapi kami berterima kasih jika anda sudi."

Recent Message from our Founder, Director & Chief Anchor, Muhd Zaki

Last Updated: 27 May 2023 (English)

Bahasa Melayu

We had been around for two years, and while we're committed to giving you free, accurate news, we also need your assistance in lightening the load.


As you are already aware, one of the reasons we operate so simply (and must use other news resources) is that we are young (I am only 14 years old) and lack a media permit (although it is possible to do so, but we are underage; further explanation in the FAQ on the about page), among other stories and issues related to this


For this reason, CInfo and I are pleading for everyone's assistance (including individuals, other organizations, and the government) in order to preserve our reputations as "the youngest journalists in Malaysia" and CInfo. Here are a few ways you can assist:


  1. You are more than welcome to join our team if you possess the skills necessary to work as a journalist for CInfo (recommended to the youths). You can learn more and express your interest on our Twitter (DM), Instagram (DM), or email at

  2. Subscribe to us on YouTube (CInfo Malaysia) and keep up with us on all of our social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) at @centralinfomy

  3. We would be happy to have you as a mentor if you are a journalist. For more details, send me a DM on Twitter (@mzakicntrl).

  4. You can also message or email us if you truly want to support us financially.


And in advance of this National Journalists' Day (HAWANA), we kindly ask the government (particularly the Ministry of Communications and Digital) to show us sympathy, support, and assistance.


We sincerely appreciate your support, assistance, and contribution. You can visit this article (by clicking on the text on the right) to learn more because we're too lazy to type much. I'm grateful.


We sincerely appreciate your support, assistance, and contribution. Because we are too lazy to type a lot, you can visit this article from CInfo or mine (by clicking on the text on the right) to learn more. Thanks.


- Muhd Zaki


Here are some key points from the message above for those who have only scrolled up to this point:

Generated by AI:​

  • CInfo, has been operating for two years and aims to provide free and accurate news.

  • CInfo is powered by a young journalist and lacks a media permit due to being underage.

  • CInfo is seeking assistance from individuals, other organizations, and the government to preserve their reputation and support their work.

  • Ways to assist CInfo include joining their team as a journalist, subscribing to their YouTube channel and following them on social media, offering mentorship if you are a journalist, and providing financial support.

  • CInfo requests sympathy, support, and assistance from the government, specifically the Ministry of Communications and Digital.

  • The organization expresses gratitude for the support, assistance, and contribution received.

  • They provide links to an article for further information and mention they are being lazy to type much.

  • They emphasize appreciation for support and offer a link to an article for more information.

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